• Maxim Galkin

Maxim Galkin

Maxim Galkin with a new program in Malmo on February 16, 2025, at Malmo Live. 

The magic of his talent leaves no one indifferent. For decades he has been gathering full halls in many countries of the world. Humorist. TV host. Showman. Singer. The list of his regalia and statuses can be enumerated endlessly. But above all Maxim Galkin is a real Artist with a capital letter. Bright, charismatic and always up-to-date. A unique combination of wisdom and youth, a sense of humor and multifaceted talent turn his solo concerts into a mosaic of overlapping genres: parodies, songs, comedy, and concert numbers from famous television shows. His humor is topical, flexible and truly funny. Maxim feels his audience and just intimately talks to them, as if he is telling about his life to old friends who have suddenly arrived. 

Miniatures, reprises, theatrical sketches, brand new numbers, as well as long familiar and beloved by the audience performances. In Maxim's performance they do not lose their artistic value, and, like a favorite song, sound on repeat, causing a nostalgic smile. Maxim Galkin's concert is a firework of impressions, a volcano of explosive emotions and a guarantee of a great mood not only on the day of the event, but also for several weeks ahead. His numbers do not get old, his halls are not empty, and his jokes do not get old. Because real talent will never go out of fashion. 

Maxim Galkin is a Russian comedian, TV host and showman. 

He is one of the few famous Russian artists who openly condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine and was subsequently added to the list of foreign agents by the Russian authorities. Maxim Galkin left Russia in March 2022 after Russia invaded Ukraine. He currently lives in Israel with his family. 

16 februari 2025
ca 2 timmar (ingen paus)
590 - 1390 kronor *extern biljettförsäljning
Fri ålder
Bravo Eventos SL
Sön 16 Feb 19:00 Passerat


Please note that only bags with a maximum size of 30x21x10 cm can be brought into the concert. There is no storage of prohibited bags at the concert venue. 

Video recording is prohibited during the show.

If you would like to purchase tickets for people with reduced mobility, please email @email with your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

The show will be in Russian.

Senast uppdaterat: 2024-12-04