Contact & Addresses
Ticket center
Email: @email
Phone: 040 34 35 00 (open Monday-Thursday 12-15)
Closed for personal visits to the box office at Malmö Live.
Press contacts
Line Breuning, Head of Audience Development
+46 701-68 52 77
Sofia Alsterhag, Audience Developer Malmö Live Concert Hall
+46 76 608 24 48
Vanessa Edqvist, Audience Developer Children and Family
+46 73 681 69 16
Lisa Karinsdotter Pålsson, Audience Developer Malmö Symphony Orchestra (MSO)
+46 705 08 04 42
Rental contact
Maria Mänty, Rental manager
Error report
In case of serious faults in the house, call 040 34 70 00
- Contact details Clarion Hotel & Congress Malmö Live
Phone: +46 40 20 75 00
Email: [email protected]
Address: Dag Hammarskjölds torg 2, 21118 Malmö
Organization number: 556809-3487
Visiting address: Dag Hammarskjölds torg 4, 211 18 Malmö
Stage entrance: Beringsgatan 5, 211 18 Malmö
Loading pier: Beringsgatan 1-3, 211 18 Malmö
Postal address: Malmö Live Konserthus, 205 80 Malmö
Invoice Details
Invoice address: Malmö Live Konserthus, 205 80 Malmö
Organization number: 556003-7482
GLN address: 7365560037488
VAT registration number: SE556003748201
Management team


Technical department


Property & Cleaning Services

Orchestra administration


Planning & production

Audience Development incl. Marketing & Communication