Baby Rhythmics

Baby Rhythmics

For children aged 0-3 years. The focus is on experiencing the music through rhythm, movement, and closeness. We sing, chant, play instruments, and dance. The session lasts about 30 minutes.

Barnlördag på Malmö Live

Children's Saturday

For children aged 3-5. We'll organize fun musical performances where the children will feel included and get the opportunity to feel inspired by different genres.

Nalle Concert at Malmo Live

Nalle Concerts with MSO

For children aged 4-7 years. At a Nalle Concert, children and their adults get to experience symphonic music in a playful way as  Malmö Symphony Orchestra and Nalle, performs classical pieces in the concert hall.

Children and Youth Orchestras

Children and Youth Orchestras

We aim to be a hub and provide inspiration for young people's development in music. We organize music camps, and concerts, establish collaborations, and contribute with our knowledge and facilities. Discover more on our Swedish website.

Johannes Parkler in Curious about

Curious About

For children aged 8-12. Concert introduction in Swedish for slightly older children curious about classical music. Meet a musician from the MSO and then attend a symphonic concert with a 50% discount. Discover more on our Swedish website.

The digital children's corner

Digital Children's Corner

Nestle into a cozy armchair with soft cushions and put on your headphones. In the Digital Children's Corner, you can watch several different videos that we have created for children and families. Please note that all videos are in Swedish.

Last updated: 2024-07-09