• Decorative event image for Ravel & Gabel with Malmo Symphony Orchestra, season 2024–25

Ravel & Gabel Saturday

A Saturday concert where MSO, conducted by Fabien Gabel, presents some of Ravel's most beloved compositions, such as the ballet piece Daphnis et Chloé. 

Please read more on our Swedish website.

7 June 2025
Concert Hall
1 hour (no intermission)
145-295 SEK
Malmo Live Concert Hall


Ravel, Maurice Rhapsodie espagnol 16 min

1. Prélude à la nuit 

2. Malaguena 

3. Habanera 

4. Feria 

Ravel, Maurice Valses nobles et sentimentales 17 min

1. Modéré 

2. Assez lent 

3. Modéré 

4. Animé 

5. Presque lent 

6. Assez vif 

7. Moins vif 

8. Epilogue. Lent 

Ravel, Maurice Daphnis et Chloé, Suite No 2 17 min

1. Lever du jour 

2. Pantomime 

3. Danse générale 


Malmo Symphony Orchestra
Malmo Symphony Orchestra consists of almost 90 musicians at the highest level who, with a new concert every week, excel in a rich and varied range. 
Fabien Gabel Conductor
Last updated: 2024-08-29