• Bild på Björn Dixgård, Arja Saijonmaa och Shirin El-Hage
    Gustaf Elias

Infruset - Själens skrubbsår

13 - 20 nov 2021
Approax. 2 hours incl. intermission
195 - 595 SEK
From 13 years
Malmö Live Konserthus
Sat 12 Nov 19:00 Passed
Sun 13 Nov 16:00 Passed
Wed 16 Nov 19:00 Passed
Thu 17 Nov 19:00 Passed
Fri 18 Nov 19:00 Passed
Sat 19 Nov 14:00 Passed
Sat 19 Nov 19:00 Passed

Mando Diao's enormously popular ‘Infruset’ will be a magnificent musical performance at Malmö Live.

In November 2021, there will be six first performances here at Malmö Live. Feel when the music and lyrics from Mando Diao's best-selling album ‘Infruset’ come to life together with Björn Dixgård, Malmö Symphony Orchestra and several of Sweden's most loved artists. The basis of the musical performance will be ‘Infruset's’ iconic songs, which will be arranged for Malmö Symphony Orchestra. In addition, Björn Dixgård is writing brand new music for the show. 

“Själens skrubbsår (The soul's abrasions) is a new song that I'm working on right now. The lyrics are written by my parents and the melody can be regarded as a kind of summary of what the musical performance is about. It revolves around loneliness, community and the meaning of life,” says Björn Dixgård.

‘Infruset’ was released in 2012 and is Mando Diao's best-selling Swedish album. Many were surprised when the internationally renowned group chose to interpret a selection of Gustaf Fröding's poems. Mando Diao's interpretations brought Fröding into the present and increased his fame and relevance for a new audience. This is evident as, over the years ‘Infruset’ has become an intergenerational classic in Sweden, and in particular the song "Strövtåg från hembygden" which may nowadays be regarded as part of the Swedish folk soul.

“In the creation of ‘Infruset - Själens skrubbsår’ the lyrics and music come to life and it becomes a musical experience out of  the ordinary. Björn has always wanted to write and develop more dramatic performances. The creative environment that Malmö Live offers, together with the performance’s director Moqi Simon Trolin and Malmö Symphony Orchestra is a perfect match,” says Carlos Barth, of Mando Diao's management.

Björn Dixgård and Mando Diao

Björn Dixgård is with Mando Diao, which since 2002 has released 8 studio albums that have sold millions of copies worldwide. Active touring with energetic performances in over 30 countries has established the band as an international headliner. Their iconic rock & roll sound combined with pop influences and Björn Dixgård's soulful voice has ensured their wide-reaching success.


‘Infruset’ is Mando Diao’s sixth studio album and their first album in Swedish. ‘Infruset’ has achieved great success and won a Grammy and sold four platinum discs. The album contains poems by the Swedish poet Gustaf Fröding (1860 – 1911). Fröding’s poetry tells of the beauty of nature, of love and life’s challenges. The intensity of the album ‘Infruset’ lies in Fröding's words, while the instruments and voices emphasise the melancholy within the lyrics.

Last updated: 2022-10-14